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0-Saturday- Gourmet Grazing box for TWO people - contains gluten, dairy and nuts
Riders 2
00A-Indoor Arena Familiarisation - 12:00 -12:15
Riders 1
00Aa-Outdoor Arena Familiarisation - 12:00 -12:15
Riders 1
00D-Indoor Arena Familiarisation - 12:45 - 1:00
Riders 1
00E-Indoor Arena Familiarisation - 1:00 - 1: 15
Riders 1
00Ee-Outdoor Arena Familiarisation - 1:00 - 1: 15
Riders 1
00F-Indoor Arena Familiarisation - 1:15 - 1:30
Riders 1
00H-Indoor Arena Familiarisation - 1:45 - 2:00
Riders 1
00I-Indoor Arena Familiarisation - 2:00 -2:15
Riders 1
00Ii-Outdoor Arena Familiarisation - 2:00 -2:15
Riders 1
00Jj-Outdoor Arena Familiarisation - 2:15 - 2:30
Riders 1
00Kk-Outdoor Arena Familiarisation - 2:30 - 2:45
Riders 1
00L-Indoor Arena Familiarisation - 2:45 - 3:00
Riders 1
00Ll-Outdoor Arena Familiarisation - 2:45 - 3:00
Riders 2
00Lll-Outdoor Arena Familiarisation- 3:00 - 3:15
Riders 1
16P-Pony Official Novice 2.3
Riders 1
01-Official Preliminary 1.2
Riders 12
02-Official Preliminary 1.3
Riders 12
03-Official Elementary 3.2
Riders 9
03P-Pony Official Elementary 3.2
Riders 1
04-Official Elementary 3.3
Riders 8
04P-Pony Official Elementary 3.3
Riders 1
05-Official Advanced 5.2
Riders 7
06-Official Advanced 5.3
Riders 6
07-Prix St Georges
Riders 6
09-Intermediate II
Riders 2
11-Closed Unrestricted Novice 2.1
Riders 4
12-Closed Unrestricted Novice 2.2
Riders 4
13-Closed Unrestricted Preparatory 3
Riders 5
14-Closed Unrestricted Preparatory 2
Riders 4
15-Official Novice 2.2
Riders 9
15P-Pony Official Novice 2.2
Riders 1
16-Official Novice 2.3
Riders 8
17-Official Medium 4.2
Riders 11
18-Official Medium 4.3
Riders 11
19-Intermediate I
Riders 4
21-Grand Prix
Riders 2
22-Closed Unrestricted Preliminary 1.1
Riders 8
23-Closed Unrestricted Preliminary 1.2
Riders 9
24-Junior Closed Unrestricted Preparatory 3
Riders 3
25-Junior Closed Unrestricted Preliminary 1.1
Riders 4
26-Junior Closed Unrestricted Novice 2.2
Riders 1