Albury Wodonga Equestrian Association

Member Registration

Member Details

Residential Address

Mailing Address


Other information


Affiliate Club
Afilliate Club Membership Number

Membership Details

Our Membership year is from 1st January to 31st December, members can join at any time during the year.



Q. Who is eligible for a Family Membership?

A. Family Memberships are available to 2 adults and 2 or more children residing at the same address.

Q. I'm the parent of a rider and will be supervising my child when they ride at AWEC, do I need to be a Member?

A. If you will be riding or working a horse (including lunging or groundwork) while at AWEC then yes, you will also need to be a Member. If you are simply supervising your child, then no membership is required.

If yes, consider whether a family membership may be better value.

Email address is already assigned to a member,
please use an alternative email address.

You appear to be an existing member.
Do you want to renew your membership?

Aged pension membership is for members over 65 years.
Please choose another membership type or correct your date of birth.