Brookleigh Working Equitation 3 Phase Competition
Sunday 5th May 2024
Brookleigh Estate, Gt Northern Highway, Upper Swan
Entry fee: $80 + $10 ground fee for Brookleigh Members
$80 + $15 ground fee for non-Brookleigh Members who must have current ANWEL membership number and be a member of an ANWEL affiliated club.
Judges: Ease of Handling/Speed - Hermine Zielinski, Working Dressage (tba)
Riders must present for Gear Checking MOUNTED and with their whip (if using one) and helmet in hand for inspection. Helmets must be EA tagged.
Working Dressage tests:
Introductory 1.A, Preparatory 2.A, Preliminary 3.A and Debutante W 4.B, Debutante F 5.A, Consagrados 2 6.A.
EOH Introductory level there is no speed, so Riders will ride the Ease of Handling course twice instead.
Speed courses will be run after all riders have completed the EOH course for their level.
Walk through the full course before we start approximately 8.15. Each level will ride their Working Dressage test outdoors and then start Ease of Handling indoors approximately 30 -45 minutes later.
Classes are:
- Introductory (Walk and Trot)
- Preparatory (Walk, Trot and canter between obstacles)
- Preliminary (Walk, Trot and Canter between obstacles and where directed by Course Directives)
- Debutant W (Walk, Trot , Canter) (Walk to canter transitions)
- Higher levels can be included upon request
ANWEL Rule book applies, find here at
Rulebooks, Working Dressage Tests and Dress and Equipment Requirements, to join ANWE or for more information about Working Equitation as a sport go to:
Refunds will be provided only where a medical or vet certificate is provided or the event is cancelled by us. As we use Nominate for our entries, their 5% fee cannot be refunded. Refunds will be returned to the bank account used to enter.
Notifications and updates about this event will be posted on Facebook Page:
Information on Brookleigh Working Equitation Club is available at
Competion attire is required:
* Brookleigh WE club uniform (club shirt, navy or white jodphurs/breeches, or club shirt with moleskins/dark blue jeans for Stockhorse/Western)
* traditional English
* traditional Western (working, not show)
* attire that is usual for your breed of horse when showing in a ridden breed class
* Bitless bridles, Western or English bridles with bits compliant with ANWEL rulebook and EA Equipment Annexure.
* Well behaved Stallions must have green disc clearly visable