Remember, our friendly team are here to help.

If you are having any difficulty processing an entry, please phone us on 07 3118 9555.

Some important things to remember is that every event is different, and each
event requires different information and may have specific questions relating to
that event only.
Not all information can be saved in your Rider Profile.

To help you with the process we have created this how to enter guide, from start to finish.

In your Internet browser go to

Once on the home page, select Equestrian
(underneath the main picture) and then Enter
Events here

Filter all events by selecting your interest
(dressage, pony club etc) and selecting your state
(Events are listed in order of the Event Date)
Select the Event you would like to enter by either
clicking on the name of the event or the Enter
button to the right of the event name.
You will be asked to log in to your Rider Profile - if
you have one, click on login/create account. If you
don't, click on continue as a guest.

Competition Entry Form Stage One

A red * indicates a compulsory field

Name: Enter your first and last name
Email: Enter your email address (confirmation and event information will be sent here)
Address: Enter your address details
Property Identification Code (PIC): Enter your PIC number here (Any property that has livestock including horses requires a PIC for bio security
reasons. Please contact your local DPI to register your property if you do not have one or don’t know what yours is).
Phone Number: Enter contact numbers
EA Number: Enter your current EA number if you have one (Contact the EA Branch in your state to join
FEI Number: Enter your FEI Number if you have one.
Parent/Guardian Name: Enter parent or guardian
Club Name: Enter the club you are a member of
Next of Kin: Enter next of Kin name and contact details
Are you a Junior: Tick if you are younger than 18.
Date of Birth: Enter your date of birth DD/MM/YYYY – compulsory for Juniors (Riders under 18 years)
Previous Invoice Number: Enter your previous invoice number if you have already entered this event to avoid being charged any compulsory fees again. Leave blank if not applicable. This is for the current event only, it doesn't carry across to old events by the same club.
Tick to Receive Info on upcoming events: This is information sent to you by Nominate, sometimes from event organisers, sometimes from Nominate directly.
Notes: Enter any information you would like the event organiser to know. IE late draw time, times close to... etc
Discounts: Tick this box if you are eligible for a member discount for example. If a password is required, enter the password and tick the box.
Fees: Any non-compulsory fees are listed here, please tick all that are relevant to you.
Options: Merchandise, dinner tickets etc will be here. Please enter the quantity for what you require.
*Please note all entry forms are different, what is shown in this example may not reflect the entry form you are completing*

Yards/Stables/Camping/Cabin Requirements: Select the required option by entering the number you require in the box and then entering arrival and departure dates below the stable/camping details. The system will then charge you based on the event setup (per day/per night/per stable/yard/campsite) so please ensure your arrival and departure dates are correct.

Stabling Camping Details (Enter below fields if you are booking stables or camping)

(Arrival and departure dates will default to the day before the event starts, and the day after the event ends.)

Arrival Date: Enter the day you are arriving
Departure Date: Enter the day you are leaving
I would like to be stabled near: Enter any names if you have any preference to being stabled near another rider
Grooms Name: Enter your grooms name
Truck/Gooseneck/Trailer/Rego Number: Compulsory if camping is booked, please add the relevant registration number details here
Truck Make/Model/Description/size: Enter relevant details about your vehicle here
Motel Name: Enter motel name you are staying at, if not camping on grounds.

Competition Entry Form Stage Two

Select the classes you would like to enter
( Either via a tick box or drop-down box)

Select Horse: If you have logged in to your Rider Profile and have added horses, these will show here (if you have horses registered to your EA number, they will show in a separate drop down box)
Owners EA/NZ Membership No: Enter EA Membership number here (if you are a Member of Equestrian Australia
Owners Name: Enter the owner's name here
Owners ABN: Enter ABN if relevant
Bridle No (Dressage Only): Compulsory for official classes/events
Pony: Tick if your horse is a pony
Grading: level horse is graded to (dressage only)
Horses EA Number: Enter your horses EA Number (If horse is registered with Equestrian Australia)
Horses FEI Number: Enter your horses FEI Number (if registered)
Microchip: Enter your horses microchip number
Horse Name: Please enter your horses name

If you would like to enter another horse, please press the Add another horse/class button, if not please press next.
Please note the class will only register/charge if a horse name is entered. If left blank, the system won’t charge or register the class entry)

Qualifications if required, will show on this page, all boxes need to filled in even if not applicable to your particular event - please put NA if it doesn’t apply.

Competition Entry Form Stage Three

If required, class questions will be asked here.
These will either relate to your horse, or the class
you entered.

Questions with a * next to them are compulsory and must be filled in before clicking the next button

Some events require uploads of documents/cards with their questions. If an event has this, it will have a browse button beside the upload attachment area. Click on this to retrieve the file from your computer. It will be uploaded to your entry once you click on next. The system will accept uploads in pdf, doc, xls, bmp jpg, bmp, tif or gif format and should be no larger than 10MB per file.

1. Acknowledgement & Indemnity - Release and Waiver of Liability
In order to continue to the
payment stage and confirm your
entry into the event you will need
to read this information and
confirm you accept it.

2. Processing the Payment
Check over the classes,fees and discounts, if
applicable before processing the payment by
entering your credit card details in the relevant
fields.*Please note - only press the Pay Now
button once to avoid duplicate payments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Remember, we are here to help.

Call: 07 3118 9555
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @nominate_australia