It is a requirement of the "current" Currumbin District Horse Club consititution that all new members have a current club member vouch for them. The club committee must then review each application for new membership and approve it. Obviously this is a tricky task and something which is difficult, time consuming and may be sadly concidered unwelcoming by new people wanting to join the club. We will be screening new online membership as they are presented. We want to make it clear that we wont be turning anyone away without good reason. Hope to see you at the club soon :-)
Members please note: Membership runs from 1st March 2020 to 28th February 2021
Membership categories:
Single Membership includes:
Single rider only (YOU)
Access to all facilities
Yearly membership
Family Membership includes:
Four related Family members
Access to all facilities
Yearly membership x 4
Single Membership + Working Bee includes:
All working bees during membership year paid in full
Access to all facilities
Yearly membership
Family Membership + Working Bee includes:
All family working bees during membership year paid in full
Access to all facilities
Yearly membership x 4