
Member Registration

Member Details

Residential Address

Mailing Address


Other information

Please select your age Group *
For Members: What is your shirt size? *
What WA Fishing Licences do you hold?

Recfishwest Tax Invoice Information

If you do not have a mobile phone number, please provide your home phone number.

Recfishwest is registered for GST and the membership cost is inclusive of GST.
Recfishwest's ABN is 77 922 817 608.  
The charge on your credit card will show as NOMINATE PTY LTD.
The Nominate Clubs system uses SSL technology to encrypt your data, which means that your personal information can’t be read when it is transmitted online.  You will see https:// in front of the web pages so you know it is secure.

If you have any queries, please contact Ruth Sprague on (08) 9246 3366 or email Ruth at [email protected] .

We thank you for joining Recfishwest.

Email address is already assigned to a member,
please use an alternative email address.

You appear to be an existing member.
Do you want to renew your membership?

Aged pension membership is for members over 65 years.
Please choose another membership type or correct your date of birth.