Missed out on a ridden spot in our 2 day clinic but still want to come along and learn from the best?
Allora Equestrain Group is excited to invite you to fence sit during our 2 day Cross Training Clinic.
Immerse yourself in a world of equestrian education, guided by Naomi Strong, Lisa Koppman and Skye Lilkanen, dedicated to enhancing your horsemandship and riding skills. Join the fun learning and making new friends.
Cross Training Clinic 16th and 17th December 2023
The 3 fabulous instructors are :
Naomi Strong ( Working Equitation )
Lisa Koppman ( Equine Pole Dancing )
Skye Liikanen ( Introduction to Liberty & Ground Control )
BBQ Dinner & Guest Speaker Saturday Night : Ems Plunkett on Equine Therapy and a surprise game after dinner