BOXING and BOX DRIVE BOX with cattle - Clinician is PHIL WEBB
Dates 3rd and 4th February 2024
Kyabram, Victoria
Presented by the Victorian Reined Cowhorse Association Inc. (VRCHA) affiliated with the Australian Reined Cowhorse Association (ARCHA) Mr Phil Webb Director and Life Member of the VRCHA is a Triple Threat - awarded Hall of Fame with the NCHA, AQHA and ARCHA. Join him and over these two days develop your cattle skills and foundations - Boxing and Box Drive Box Clinic preparing for the penultimate Reined Cowhorse.
This is a NON-REFUNDABLE but transferable Clinic. If you find you cannot attend let the Coordinator Carina Stephens Secretary of the VRCHA know who is replacing you. Thank you.
Day YARD and Non Powered Camp Site included.